Perhaps you're considering making the leap to remote work. Or maybe you've just started your first remote job via Web3nomads and you're feeling a bit lost. There’s no doubt that as freeing as remote work is, it also has the potential to be lonely at times and it’s not uncommon to feel that you’re treading water or lacking some motivation.
Whatever the case may be, we’re here to help with some of the best tips for succeeding as a remote worker.
Trust us, we know what we're talking about—we’ve been at this for a while.
Let’s get into some things to keep in mind to make sure you’re optimizing performance.
1. Stay organized and create a routine.
One of the benefits of working remotely is that you have more control over your time and schedule. But with that flexibility comes the responsibility of staying organized and creating a routine that works for you.
A good practice to adopt is setting a daily list of tasks, and then breaking those down into smaller, manageable goals. That way, you can see your progress as you go and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Creating a routine will also help to keep you from feeling isolated and lonely—two common problems faced by remote workers, as we’ve said.
2. Overcommunicate… at first.
When you're first starting out as a remote worker, it's important to overcommunicate with your team. Check in often, send status updates, and copy relevant people on any emails that might be of interest to them. This will help everyone get on the same page regarding your project timeline and deliverables.
Once you've established yourself as a reliable remote worker, you can back off on the constant communication somewhat—but it's still important to check in regularly so that your team knows you're still engaged and invested in the project.
3. Make use of technology.
There are tons of great tools and services out there that can make your life as a remote worker easier. From video conferencing apps like Zoom to project management tools like Trello, there's an app for just about everything these days. Do some research and find the ones that work best for you and your team—you'll be glad you did.
Now we’ve covered some bigger pieces of info, we’re going to cover a few more bitesize tips. Once you have a solid routine and know that you’re operating comfortably in a remote setting, it’s important to keep yourself in check by staying on top of your mental and physical health.
You’ll be far better off if you make sure you’re in a good headspace when tackling the working day. So here are another eight to add to your checklist.
A handy checklist
1. Get dressed for the day. No, you don’t have to put on a suit or anything (unless that’s your thing). But getting out of your pyjamas will help you get into “work mode.”
2. Set up a dedicated workspace. If you can, find a place in your home where you can work without distractions. This will help you stay focused and increase your productivity.
3. Take breaks throughout the day. Just because you’re not in an office doesn’t mean you can work non-stop all day long. Get up and move around every few hours to stretch your legs and give your eyes a break from the screen.
4. Make time for socialization. We know now that working remotely can be isolating, so it’s important to make time for social interaction. Join a professional organization or set up regular coffee dates with friends to stay connected.
5. Stay organized. When you’re not in an office, it can be easy to let things slide. But staying organized is key to maintaining your sanity (and avoiding those last-minute panics). Invest in a good planner and/or project management software to keep track of deadlines and goals.
6. Don’t forget about self-care. It’s easy to get so wrapped up in work that you forget to take care of yourself, but it’s important to make time for things like exercise, healthy eating, and relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
7. Set boundaries between work and home life. When you work from home, it can be hard to “clock out” at the end of the day. So establishing some clear boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal time.
8. Be patient with yourself. Working remotely can be an adjustment, so cut yourself some slack as you transition into this new way of working.
Working remotely can be a great experience if you get it right. Of course, there are challenges, but when you’re comfortable it’s incredibly rewarding.
By staying organized, managing your time effectively, communicating with your team, and making use of technology, you'll set yourself up for success. So go forth and conquer the world of remote work in web3! We believe in you.