How to get a job in the cryptocurrency industry

January 4, 2023


So you've been hearing a lot about Bitcoin and Ethereum. Then it gets better because you’ve discovered Web3nomads. Now you’re looking to get your foot in the door of the cryptocurrency industry after hearing about all of the benefits and opportunities on offer. 

Well, that’s great! And the good news is there's never been a better time to start working in crypto. But where do you begin? 

It can seem a little overwhelming, but it’s important to remember that every industry feels that way at first. So take it step by step and remember that the more comfortable you become in a career, the more you enjoy it.

We’ve pulled together a few tips at a topline level to help you get started. So let’s get into it… 

1. Get educated

In any walk of life, if you’re entering a job in a new industry then it’s crucial that you take the role with a willingness to learn. Before applying for a job in the cryptocurrency industry, it would be wise to make sure you have a firm understanding of the basics. 

Take some time to learn about how Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies work. Once you have a good grasp on the basics, you can delve into more abstract concepts and start to deepen your understanding by reading articles and white papers from industry leaders. 

Unless you're already an expert in the field, spend some time familiasing yourself with the inner workings of the industry as you’ll want to be able to hit the ground running to a certain extent. 

It would be wise to familiase yourself with some of the basics like how to set up and use a Metamask wallet. Try to gain an understanding of some common jargon such as gas fees and liquidity, and stay up-to-date on all the latest industry news wherever possible. 

Of course, you’ll get on-the-job training within a lot of companies, but it’s always prudent to brush up on your knowledge before diving right in. And you might even discover a new passion along the way.  


2. Build your network

In any industry, it's important to have a strong network of professionals that you can rely on for advice and support. But in an industry as fast-paced and ever-changing as crypto, it's absolutely essential. 

Start by following leading figures in the crypto space on social media and tune in to podcasts and Twitter Spaces which are always great for learning. Twitter should be used as your ultimate weapon. For sure, there’s plenty of noise out there, but crucially, there’s a whole lot of value you can soak up, too.

Not only will this help you stay up-to-date on all the latest industry news, but it will also give you the opportunity to meet people working in crypto who can help support your career growth.

A great place to start with, of course, is no other than blocmates. There you’ll find everything from the very basics of cryptocurrency, right through to deep dives on your favourite projects. Get stuck in. 


3. Find the right fit 

There are lots of different companies working in the cryptocurrency space, so it's important that you take some time to find one that's a good fit for your skillset and career goals. Do some research on different companies, and see if their mission aligns with your personal values. 

The more familiar you become with the space and the services these companies provide, the more comfortable you’ll be in visualising where you’d love to work. We work hard to bring some of the top companies to work on Web3nomads, so you can get to know more about life behind the scenes.

Once you've found a couple of companies that interest you, reach out and introduce yourself—the worst they can say is no!




Cryptocurrency is one of the hottest industries around right now, it’s ever-growing and although still relatively in its infancy, has a lot to offer. So if you're looking for a new career challenge, it's definitely worth considering. 

Getting started can seem daunting, but if you follow these steps—getting educated, building your network, and finding the right fit—you'll be well on your way to landing your dream job in crypto.

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